Preventing Identity Theft
Monitoring Identity Theft is not the answer! Limiting access to social security numbers is not the answer. Biometric Authentication of users is not the answer. Having the credit bureaus and banks to provide the answers is the solution and the Credit Vault is just that solution. Only redefining the environment by making social security, credit, debit and bank account numbers worthless and of no use without
having the proper pin and password authorizing use is a solution that will have a chance to work.
Below are links related to identity theft prevention
Carol Coye Benson of Glenbrook Partners wrote an article that closely aligns with my solutions to prevent Identity Theft. Read about her proposal.

"You have to manage risk on the assumption that all data is out there, because to not do that is simply irresponsible," says Richard Parry, a Chicago-based senior vice president for consumer risk management at JPMorgan Chase.
Copyright © 2008, Universal Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.
My Credit Vault  Finally you can safeguard your credit!
My Credit Vault
Copyright © 2009, Randall Smith. All rights reserved.